31 July 2008

My tilted world

One of these weeks in which Sisyphus seems to have reigned over my various projects. . ..
I don't mind his poking his head in for a short visit occasionally, so long as he doesn't stay too long and leave behind such a welter. But a welter he did leave, leaving me to deal with the mess he has left behind, and perhaps causing the world to go slightly off-kilter with that accursed stone of his.

Or as the lovely Yv has eloquently put it in a very timely email (just what I needed to hear this week), "Some days are like this – nothing really gets done and what does get done is pointless. Then, out comes a poem or a cat, or a flower, or a sunburst, or even a good piece of cheese or prosciutto, and the tilted world rights."

Thus the off-kiltered world is led back on track, in this case, by those very words and the imagery it invokes.

Tomorrow, another day, a new start. A Friday, thank goodness. A new opportunity to get back on track. Keep Sisyphus at bay. Or for prosciutto to correct my tilted world, if it must. Either way, not a bad outlook.

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