29 March 2009

Things to do before I'm--well, I'm already 40ish, but here's a "wish to do" list, with no particular timeline, inspired by Yv's "Things to Do before 30" list. (You young one!!)

1. Continue to learn new words, which means reading lots and looking up words every time I don't know what it means and keeping a vocab list, which I already do.

2. Read all of Shakespeare's works. I think I've read most of his major ones, but I haven't consulted a list in years.

3. Read War and Peace and go through the "top 20" list I got from one of the fellows.

4. Be able to identify all countries in Africa. Actually, in general, I need to improve my geography.

5. Gosh, I would love to do calligraphy, but no instructors here.

6. I would also love to take up violin again and learn piano, but I don't have the time to do this right now.

7. Places I'd like to visit: Cambodia, Thailand, Scotland, Mexico, Italy (without killing my relatives) and many many more places.

8. Use my manual camera more.

There's more, but I'd like to spend the rest of this evening reading. So I suppose see you in a few months, since classes start up again next week.


Empiricus said...

Suggestion: Don't read ALL of Shakespeare's works. Then, when you've done everything else, you still get to look forward to something.

anzu said...

Oh, I meant just his plays. But don't you worry-- won't have time to get to that anytime soon.

Sator Arepo said...

'Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed
When not to be receives reproach of being.
And the just pleasure lost, which is so deemed
Not by our feeling, but by others' seeing.
For why should others' false adulterate eyes
Give salutation to my sportive blood?
Or on my frailties why are frailer spies,
Which in their wills count bad what I think good?
No, I am that I am, and they that level
At my abuses reckon up their own;
I may be straight though they themselves be bevel.
By their rank thoughts my deeds must not be shown.
Unless this general evil they maintain:
All men are bad and in their badness reign.


anzu said...

I feel like I should recognize this. . ..

Sator Arepo said...

Just a sonnet (my favorite). Point being even if you get through (and can recall) all of the plays and whatnot, much Shakespeare remains.

A good goal all around.

Unknown said...

All that time you need can only be obtained in México,where time runs ay a different pace.You could find lots of work as a movie extra to begin.