02 January 2008

My top 5 movies of 2007

1. Pan's Labyrinth
2. and 3. a tie between Lives of Others and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
4. No End in Sight
5. Away from Her

I do not watch enough movies to compile a top-10 list. In fact, I probably don' t watch enough movies to warrant even a top-5 list, but since I am very discriminating about the movies I choose to watch, it's not surprising that I like a third to half of the movies I watch in a given year. All of the ones in my "top-5" are movies I'd give at least a 9 out of 10.

Some movies I wished I had seen include:
-the Harry Potter movie, which I'm sure I wouldn't have given a 9 out of 10, but I very much wanted to catch on the big screen.
-12:08 East of Bucharest, which got pretty good reviews on metacritic, but didn't show in this area.
-Persepolis, which I'm dying to see, but is not showing in this area yet.

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