17 February 2008

Late-night chat

I wonder if there is something about the immediacy of the chat medium that makes it conducive to absurd conversations such as the one that George Gershwin and I had while I was writing this previous post about gynecologists:

anzu: are you spying on North Korea?

gershwin: not directly, why?

anzu: I'm writing about male gynecologists who don't want to have sex w/ their wives.

gershwin: after the things they see, I would imagine it would be hard to have it with anyone.

could you imagine your life revolving around vaginal warts or worse?

anzu: This is why I've decided I'm staying away from them.

Then why would any male choose to become a gynecologist?

gershwin: Gynecologists who don't have sex with their wives?

anzu: But we were talking about North Korea and you indirectly spying. . ..

gershwin: I would imagine that I would love pizza until I worked in a pizza parlor for a few years

anzu: No, a gynecologist in general.

gershwin: exactly

anzu: I would hate to become someone who didn't want to have sex, b/c of his day job.

gershwin: Probably the young student would feel it was an opportunity for a free sneak peak

until ...

anzu: Well, I worked at Haagen Dazs, and I still like ice cream.

So your analogy doesn't always work.

gershwin: for how long, and did the Haagen Dazs look like vaginal herpies?


anzu: Maybe I should post this absurd conversation we're having on my blog, too.

gershwin: I withdraw my anology


anzu: Ewww. That is sooooooo gross.

gershwin: just keep the names as such to protect the guilty

What are you doing up at this hour?

anzu: Why, I was blogging about gynecologists who don't like having sex. What else would I be doing at 1 a.m. on a Saturday night?

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