08 February 2008

Mozart, bastardized

Damnit. Damnit, damnit, damnit. I should be working instead of posting, but I'm going to take 60 seconds to complain about a coworker whose office is 2 doors down, who has her cellphone ring tone set to Mozart's piano sonata #--oh, I don't know the exact number, but I'm tearing my hair out listening to it. I can't decide whether it's worse than hearing one movement of Vivaldi on a radio station, but it is beyond annoying as heck.

Why the heck do people think this is acceptable? At work? I can work through most background noises (and I certainly get a lot), but 30 seconds of bastardized Mozart on something that doesn't sound like a real piano makes me want to walk over there and remove the battery or accidentally break it.

How about the vibrator mode? Or a quieter ring tone? Or if you must make musical references, 2 E-flat major chords? (just 2, or else the effect/reference is lost. And on volume 2 instead of 10.) I'd even prefer a ring tone that sounds like, omg, how un-novel and orthodox--a phone!

Mozart's piano sonata was meant to be played on a piano, people. If he wanted his damn sonata played on a cell phone, he would've called it the ringtone sonata. (Ok, yes, I know cellphones didn't exist during his time.)

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