08 April 2008

Searching for a review and finding a critic's underwear instead

I really need to stop reading blogs outside of my regular reading list o' blogs and read Tolstoy's War and Peace instead. It has been on my list-of-books-to-read-before-I-die and I haven't even bought it yet.

Sometimes, I read blogs and find great things, like aschoenbergesque.
Other times, I read blogs (the same blog, even) and I end up finding out about the disposition of a certain critic's underwear.

All I wanted to do was to find a review by the SF Chron critic of last week's performance by she-who-shall-not-be-named.

The SF Chron website is not quite as bad as SF Examiner, but it is utterly unnavigable, so I did a Google search and typed in "(she-who-shall-not-be-named's real name)" and "SF chronicle".

Which led me to to this teaser at the top of the search:
"In a review of the same concerts featuring pianist (she-who-shall-not-be-named) (see previous post), Joshua Kosman of the San Francisco Chronicle... well, I’m not quite sure what he does. Suffice it to say it’s awkward."

linking to this post, which is a review of a review of this concert.

Hmm. I read the SF Chron review and don't remember it being awkward. It's well-written (I thought) and he sounded like he enjoyed the concert. I'd much rather read glowing reviews than negative ones that are curmudgeonly or pedantic. And it's delightful to read reviews that convey how much these critics actually like their job.

Curious what beef these bloggers had with this review, I clicked on the link.

And read.

Which led to clicking on the comments, some of which were left by the critic, who was surprisingly gracious about being criticized. (Surprising, not because I was expecting him to be ungracious, but because I thought the bloggers' beef was kind of small, given the bigger beef I have with many other reviews I read. And yet, he played the good sport.)

Which, in turn, led to, well, this comment left by aforementioned critic:
"I assure you, friend, my panties are as smooth and unruffled as the surface of Lake Como on a sunny day, and considerably starchier. Should they become bunched, you'll know."

I don't have anything against underwear per se. I wear them. But this was more information than I really wanted to or needed to know, considering that all I went looking for was a review!

Well, that is what happens when you read blogs instead of Tolstoy, I guess.

(As an aside, with whom do I need place a petition to officially change the phrase from "getting your panties in a bunch" to "getting your underwear in a bunch"? I absolutely hate the word "panties". Ick. I know at least 10 people who detest this word as much as I do. Maybe it's the aspirated "p" sound that makes it sound so vile and conjures up images of people pole-dancing in a strip bar. UGH!)

Now I'm going to go read some Tolstoy. Oh wait. I don't have any Tolstoy lying around. I'll go read Titus's blog instead.


Sator Arepo said...

I am the first to admit we are not Tolstoy. Sigh.

You can borrow my War & Peace if you want. But I suspect that a more proximal copy is available.

Sator Arepo

anzu said...

Heh, thanks for visiting and for your offer, though I imagine that I won't get to W&P anytime soon.

Btw, your comments are not generating emails for some reason. Odd.

Sofiya said...

In my country, the expression is "getting one's knickers in a twist." I think it is much more aesthetically pleasing. "Panties" is one of those words that shouldn't be allowed.

anzu said...

Tee hee. I like that expression so much better! Maybe I'll pretend I'm a NZer just when using this phrase. . ..